Student Apartments in Spain

If you’re hoping for a more independent, free-spirited immersion experience, our shared apartments are a great option. Get to know other international students like you by living together in a typical Spanish apartment. While cooking and cleaning are up to you, choosing an apartment means you’ll have maximum freedom to mold your Enforex experience into whatever you want it to be.
Student Apartments in Latin America

At most of our Latin America Spanish Schools, we offer you the option of staying in a local apartment. The accommodation will almost always be a maximum of 20-30 minutes by walking or public transportation from the Spanish school. The apartments are not luxurious, but they are very comfortable and fully equipped.
You will share the apartment with other international or local students. Individual and double rooms are available, and apartments vary in size. This housing option does not include meals, but you'll have a fully equipped kitchen where you can cook. It's a wonderful opportunity to make friends with other students from around the world and enjoy a greater degree of independence than with a host family.