Accommodations in Santiago de Chile
Enforex offers you two accommodation options when you choose to learn Spanish in the Chilean city of Santiago de Chile:
- Host Families (single or double room, half board or bed & breakfast)
- Student Residences (single or double room, no meals)

The host families in Santiago de Chile are carefully chosen to make sure you'll enjoy a pleasant, comfortable environment. Many have been accommodating international students for years and are thrilled to invite you to their family events and gatherings. Of course, you will eat home-cooked meals on a day-to-day basis and speak Spanish at home 100% of the time.
On the other hand, if you prefer a greater degree of independence, you can opt to live in a residence with local and international students. The residence is equipped with a kitchen for you to cook your meals, and you'll enjoy a once in a lifetime chance to meet new friends from Chile and all over the world!