Barcelona Beer Festival
Spain is a country of wine, we do not deny this; but nowadays, it is also a country of beer. The proliferation of craft beer has resulted in a growing legion of fans who demand products that are different than the typical blonde caña that they are given in a bar. Okay, we are still not up to the high standards of Germany, Belgium or the Czech Republic and we don’t know if we ever will be, but the future is bright. .

The proof of this is the Barcelona Beer Festival, where each year different craft breweries congregate to share their new products and innovations with the public. The only inconvenience is the changing nature of the date, but it is usually celebrated between March and April; also, there is no fixed venue for the celebration. But we don’t really hold it against the event organizers for a variety of reasons: firstly, because it is known that organizing these types of events has its problems; secondly, it is a unique opportunity to discover new brands and types of our favorite drink, and thirdly because it is a good opportunity to show our friends that many good beers are worthy rivals of even the best wines.
The event not only showcases the best crafted drinks, but also tastings are organized alongside different classes designed to teach participants how to distinguish or appreciate the different beers that are increasing in popularity. Who knows? Maybe in a few years we can celebrate our own "Oktoberfest" ... sorry ... "Fiesta de Octubre".