Summer Language Courses
Our summer language courses are organized into 20 lessons per week, with 4 lessons every day, Monday through Friday. Each class is 45 minutes in length, and we set a maximum of 15 students per class in order to ensure individualized attention.
The carefully designed curriculum emphasizes conversation and communication, so that students may take full advantage of their surroundings and apply what they’re learning by speaking with friends during the remainder of the day. The morning class hours are the only time when Spanish and international students are separated; they rejoin in the afternoon and at night for a variety of activities.

Our Professors
The success of all learning efforts depends on a teaching team trained and equipped to motivate their students. To this end, we’ve carefully selected a highly qualified and energetic faculty for our camps. The Spanish teachers are all natives with at least 5-year university degrees in Spanish Linguistics and Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. Most of them have a Masters and/or Doctorate in Spanish and all hold the CAP (Certificate of Teaching Ability). Our summer camp faculty is experienced in teaching young people of various ages and implements a wide array of techniques and activities that speak to every age group and learning type.
The language curriculum is designed keeping in mind at all times that we are a Summer Camp. In other words, classes are conceived to be sufficiently interesting and entertaining to motivate students to the fullest, but we simultaneously optimize class time by encouraging conversation and discussion in a serious and professional manner. Our aim is for students to enjoy themselves while learning as much as possible in a short period of time. The methodology is centered on a communicative approach, utilizing diverse techniques to cover the fundamentals of language learning: grammar, speaking, listening, vocabulary, pronunciation, writing, and intercultural competence.
Teaching Materials
Our teaching materials are designed for each age group and subdivided into varying levels of linguistic competence. The kit, comprised principally of a text and workbook corresponding appropriately to each class, is issued to the student on the first day of the course. Other multimedia audio-visual tools are also employed to present lessons and take full advantage of our modern facilities.
Every student takes a placement test on the first day of classes in order to determine their language level. They are consequently placed into one of 6 levels, from very beginner to proficiency.
Each student will receive a certificate detailing the accomplishments made during his/her stay on the last day of the session.