Are you just starting to learn Spanish, or do you want to improve your vocabulary? If so, one of the key aspects is to understand and use connectors. Connectors are like bridges that link ideas and thoughts for a coherent and fluid conversation.
In this post you are going to learn the connectors in Spanish, those little words that will help you express yourself more clearly and effectively. Keep reading to discover the complete list!
What are connectors?
Connectors are words or phrases that people use to link ideas, sentences, or paragraphs. They are essential words to give structure and fluency to Spanish, both in writing and in conversation.
Below, you will find some of the most used connectors in Spanish, along with examples so that you can better understand how they work.
Addition connectors
These connectors are used to add ideas or information, connect related ideas or elements, as well as to add information.
Y (and). “Me gusta el chocolate y la vainilla” (“I like chocolate and vanilla”).
Además (Besides or Moreover). “Me gustan los deportes, además, me encanta la música” (“I like sports; moreover, I love music”).
También (Also). “María también quiere venir al cine” (“Maria also wants to come to the cinema”).
Igualmente (Likewise). “Me gusta el helado de vainilla. Igualmente, me encanta el de fresa” (“I like vanilla ice cream. Likewise, I love strawberry ice cream”).
Asimismo (As well). “Laura es muy simpática, asimismo es muy inteligente” (“Laura is very nice, as well she is also very intelligent”).
Incluso (Even). “Estudié toda la noche para el examen. Incluso repasé los apuntes dos veces” (“I studied all night for the exam. Even I went over the notes twice”).
A continuación (Below or Next). “A continuación, encontrarás una lista completa de comida” (“Below you will find a complete list of food”).
Contrast connectors
These connectors are used to show differences or contrasts between ideas, to indicate contrast or to express an idea contrary to the previous one. Here are some of them:
Pero (But). “Me gusta el helado, pero no el chocolate” (“I like ice cream, but not chocolate”)
Sin embargo (However). “No me gusta el frío. Sin embargo, disfruto del invierno” (“I don't like the cold. However, I enjoy the winter”).
Aunque (Although). “Aunque estaba a un metro de distancia, sintió como si estuviera en contacto con ella” (Although she stood a yard away he felt as if he were in contact with her.)
No obstante (Nevertheless or Even so). “El examen fue difícil, no obstante, logré aprobarlo” (“The exam was difficult, nevertheless, I managed to pass it”).
A pesar de (Despite). “A pesar de la lluvia, salí a correr esta mañana” (“Despite the rain, I went for a run this morning”).
En cambio (However or Whereas). “Selena prefiere trasnochar, en cambio, yo prefiero madrugar” (“Selena prefers to stay up late, whereas I prefer to wake up early”).
Mientras que (While). “A Juan le gusta el fútbol, mientras que a María le gusta el baloncesto” (“John likes football, while Mary likes basketball”).
Por un lado/Por otro lado (On the one hand/On the other hand). “Por un lado, disfruto del verano. Por otro lado, me gusta el invierno” (“On the one hand, I enjoy summer. On the other hand, I like winter”)
Aun así (Still). “Hizo mucho frío, aun así salimos a pasear” (“It was very cold, but we still went for a walk”).
Por ejemplo (For example). “Me gustan muchos deportes, por ejemplo, el fútbol y el tenis” (“I like many sports, for example, football and tennis”).
Por cierto (By the way). “Por cierto, ¿has visto la nueva película de ciencia ficción?” (“By the way, have you seen the new science fiction film?”).

Cause and effect connectors
These connectors are used to express the cause or reason for an action, as well as the reason behind an action or the consequence of that action.
Porque (Because). “Estudio español porque quiero viajar a España” (“I study Spanish because I want to travel to Spain”).
Así que (So). “Estudié mucho, así que aprobé el examen” (“I studied hard, so I passed the exam”).
Por lo tanto (Therefore). “No tengo paraguas, por lo tanto, me mojé bajo la lluvia” (“I don't have an umbrella, therefore I got wet in the rain”).
Por eso (That’s why or For that reason). “No llegué a tiempo, por eso me perdí el primer acto de la obra de teatro” (“I didn't arrive on time, that’s why I missed the first act of the play”).
Es decir (That is). “Vamos a estudiar historia, es decir, los importantes eventos del pasado” (“We're going to study history, that is, the important events of the past”).
O sea (I mean or In other words). “No entiendo lo que quieres decir, o sea, necesito que te expliques mejor” (“I don't understand what you mean, I mean, I need you to explain yourself better”).
Temporal connectors
These connectors are used to mark time or sequence of events, they indicate a time sequence or an action that occurred at another time.
Entonces (Then). “Primero fui al restaurante, entonces llegó mi prima” (“First I went to the restaurant, then my cousin arrived”).
Antes (Before). “Limpio la casa antes de la llegada de los invitados” (“I clean the house before the guests arrive”).
Después (After). “Después de la tormenta, salimos a pasear por el parque” (“After the storm, we went for a walk in the park”).
Mientras (While). “Mientras tú estudias para el examen, yo prepararé la cena” (“While you study for the exam, I will prepare dinner”).
Luego (Later or Soon). “Ahora voy a comprar y luego al cine” (“I’m going shopping and later I’m going to the cinema”).
Enseguida (Right away or Immediately). “Terminé de leer el libro, enseguida escribiré la reseña” (“I've finished reading the book, I'll write the review right away”).
Condition connectors
These connectors are used to establish conditions or hypotheses; they introduce a condition; they indicate an action that will occur if a condition is not met.
Si (If). “Si llueve, lleva un paraguas” (“If it rains, take an umbrella”).
A menos que (Unless). “Iremos al parque a menos que llueva” (“We will go to the park unless it rains”).
En caso de que (In case). “Lleva un abrigo en caso de que haga frío” (“Take a coat in case it is cold”).

Summary or end connectors
These connectors are used to summarise or emphasise an idea or to indicate that something is valid most of the time.
En resumen (In summary). "En resumen, el libro trata sobre una traición” (“In summary, the book is about betrayal”).
Por lo general (Generally or Normally). “Por lo general, los niños disfrutan de los dulces” (“Generally, children enjoy sweets”).
En conclusión (In conclusion). “En conclusión, creo que el proyecto necesita más tiempo” (“In conclusion, I think the project needs more time”).
Por último (Finally). “Hablamos sobre la trama y los personajes. Por último, discutimos el desenlace” (“We talked about the plot and the characters. Finally, we discuss the outcome”).
En otras palabras (In other words). “El proyecto es ambicioso. En otras palabras, no tenemos los recursos necesarios” (“The project is ambitious. In other words, we don't have the necessary resources”).
Resumiendo (Summing up). “Resumiendo, la reunión fue productiva” (“To sum up, the meeting was productive”).
Spanish connectors are essential to mastering the language. Practising their use will allow you to communicate more effectively and coherently. However, if you prefer to live a unique experience where, as well as learning Spanish, you will be surrounded by the people and culture, don't hesitate to choose the Spanish course that best suits you from Enforex.
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