Do you know what a preposition is or how to use them in Spanish? These words will help you improve your command of Spanish and sound more natural when communicating with native speakers.
What is a preposition?
A preposition links nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in a sentence. They usually indicate the relationship of objects in time or space in comparison to the rest of the sentence.
These words sneak into sentences and help establish relationships between things, places, times, and people. In Spanish, there are simple prepositions and compound prepositions, which we will differentiate below.
Common simple prepositions in Spanish
Simple prepositions are single words, such as "a", "en","de", "con", "por", "para" or "sin", among others.
A | To/At |
Compound prepositions in Spanish
While, compound prepositions are combinations of simple prepositions, such as "encima de", "dentro de", "al lado de", "cerca de", and many more.
A causa de | On account of |
Examples of the use of prepositions in Spanish
By understanding and using Spanish prepositions properly, you will be able to communicate more easily in everyday situations. In addition, you will be able to express your thoughts, ideas and the relationships between objects and people with precision.

It is important to remember that prepositions in Spanish can have several meanings and uses, so it is essential to practice their application in different contexts to fully master them. Furthermore, prepositions in Spanish do not have gender and number, unlike colours or adjectives.
For example, "El libro está debajo de la mesa" ("The book is under the table"). The preposition is "debajo" ("under"), which indicates the book's spatial relationship with the table.
Another example is: "Ella lee una revista durante la clase" ("She reads a magazine during classtime"). Here, the preposition is "durante" ("during"), which indicates the temporal relationship between reading the magazine and classtime.
Here are other examples of the use of prepositions in Spanish:
- "Voy a la tienda a comprar pan" ("I'm going to the shop to buy bread")
- "El libro está debajo de la mesa" ("The book is under the table")
- "Estoy en casa con mi primo pequeño" ("I'm at home with my little cousin")
- "El libro de Juan está sobre la mesa" ("Juan's book is on the table")
- "Viajo de Madrid a Londres en avión" ("I am travelling from Madrid to London by plane")
- "Compré esa camiseta para ti" ("I bought that T-shirt for you")
- "La casa de mi abuela está entre dos árboles" ("My grandmother's house is between two trees")
- "Lograron el resultado mediante negociaciones tensas" ("They achieved the result through tense negotiations")
- "El lápiz está al lado del libro" ("The pencil is next to the book")
- "Caminamos por la plaza hasta el restaurante" ("We walked across the square to the restaurant")
- "Según el pronóstico, mañana va a llover" ("According to the forecast, it is going to rain tomorrow")
In conclusion, Spanish prepositions are an essential part of grammar and play a crucial role in effective communication. If you want to improve your Spanish, Enforex has immersive and intensive courses for all ages. Find yours and learn Spanish in Spain with us.