Festival of Santa María de la Vega (Salamanca)
According to popular legend, during the War of Sucesión (in which the Austrians and the French fought over the Spanish throne after the collapse of the Habsburg dynasty), the divine intervention of the Virgen de la Vega prevented the city of Salamanca from being looted and sacked by the troops of Emperor Charles VI. The virgin had already been the patron saint of the city since 1618, but this act is especially remembered by locals. Without her action it’s very possible that there wouldn’t be anything left of historical Salamanca that we can see today!

So commemorating this fact, it is only logical that every September Salamanca celebrates the Festival of Santa Maria de la Vega, in which there are exciting cultural programs and heritage events amongst other activities. The real attraction for many is the Feria de Día (day fair), in which bars and restaurants from all over town set up casetas (food and drink booths) in the streets: each caseta features its own specialty, providing visitors the perfect chance to sample different Salamanca food and drink traditions.
The surprises in store for us don’t just end on the street. There will also be performances and dances in the street arts festival. There is something to enjoy around every corner, and don’t forget the traditional bullfights or amusement park rides. So make sure you’re in Salamanca from the 7th to the 15th September and don’t miss this big party. It’s always one to remember.