35K+ 每年有超过名学生报名参加我们在西班牙和拉丁美洲的学校
想象一下:您正在探索一个新的城市,并使用西班牙语与当地人讲话。点杯小酒;或者尝试新的东西;漫步街头欣赏艺术涂鸦 还有那波光粼粼的蓝色大海.....这就是ENFOREX生活!
- 120K lbs. 磅的番茄用于番茄大战La Tomatina
- 21:00 晚餐时间为21:00以后
- 1:129 平均每个酒吧有129个人在享受美酒
- 12,198 ft. 海拔12198的泰德山(Mount Teide),是西班牙的最高山,也是世界上的第三大活火山!
- 2010 La Furia Roja(西班牙足球队)赢得了世界杯
- 22 El Gordo彩票的奖金为22亿欧元(世界上最大的奖项)
- 加泰罗尼亚或西班牙美食
- 弗拉门戈或萨尔萨课程
- 城市观光
- 燒烤
- 访问蒙塞拉特自然遗址
- 参观普拉多博物馆或艺术科学城。
- 访问布拉瓦海岸或海滩城镇,如锡切斯
- 参观风景如画的城镇,如隆达或阿维拉
- 参观最具象征性的地方斗牛
- 浏览双体船
- 参加一个真正的弗拉门戈表演
- 尝试品酒

Arina"I had a great first day! At first I was pretty nervous because I didn't know anyone around me. It didn’t take long to meet and get to know my classmates especially two girls: one from France and another from Russia."

Yoshida Keisuke "The first day I arrived at the school I couldn't speak or understand Spanish, so you can imagine how nervous I was. Even though the class was difficult for me, the teacher was very nice and that made me more comfortable."

Chihiro Matsumoto"I was nervous the first day I got to school and had to take the level test. I had just arrived in Spain too, so I wasn’t familiar with anything about Valencia or the school."

Elizaveta Slasareva"I thought my first day was going to be very difficult since I had to do a level test and find myself surrounded by lots of new people."