If there is a common place in every home where the vocabulary is essential to make good use of the space, it is undoubtedly the kitchen. All the utensils and appliances you need to prepare a good dish are stored there and it is a fundamental place in any home.
That's why it's very important to know the names of kitchen utensils and appliances in Spanish so that you can order them, look for them or use them. In this Enforex article, you will learn the vocabulary you need for all the kitchen utensils and Spanish appliances you use in your daily life.
Household appliances in Spanish
Household appliances have become essential in our daily lives, so it is necessary that you also know their names in Spanish. As a good student, expanding your vocabulary is important and the names of utensils and appliances are needed when traveling to Spanish-speaking countries.
Here is a complete list of all the Spanish appliances you might find in a household:
- Lavadora (Washing machine )
- Lavavajillas or Lavaplatos (Dishwasher)
- Secadora (Dryer)
- Horno (Oven)
- Tetera (Kettle)
- Cafetera (Coffee maker)
- Tostadora (Toaster)
- Frigorífico (Refrigerator)
- Congelador (Freezer)
- Microondas (Microwave oven)
- Batidora (Blender)
- Freidora (Fryer)
- Licuadora (Blender)
- Calentador de agua (Water heater)
- Plancha or Parrilla (Griddle)
- Sandwichera (Sandwich maker)
- Robot de cocina (Kitchen Robot)
- Picadora (Mincer)

More useful Spanish words used in the kitchen:
- Grifo (Faucet)
- Fregadero (Sink)
- Encimera (Countertop)
- Despensa (Pantry)
- Alacena (Cupboard)
- Campana extractora (Extractor hood)
- Balanza (Scales)
Kitchen appliances in Spanish
Although they are not household appliances, knowing the name of these kitchen utensils in Spanish will expand your vocabulary and improve the way you express yourself. Learning Spanish is an adventure, and you will discover new words to put into practice when communicating with others.
These are some of the most used kitchen utensils in Spanish:
- Temporizador (Timer)
- Abrelatas (Can opener)
- Olla a presión (Pressure cooker)
- Sartén (Frying pan)
- Frasco (Flask)
- Embudo (Funnel)
- Bol (Bowl)
- Plato (Dish)
- Rodillo (Rolling pin)
- Bandeja (Tray)
- Tapa (Lid)
- Cubertería (Cutlery)
- Espátula (Spatula)
- Abrebotellas (Bottle opener)
- Escurridor (Strainer)
- Colador (Colander)
- Jarra (Pitcher)
- Rayador (Grater)
- Pelador (Peeler)
- Pinzas (Tongs)

Once you have learned new words about kitchen utensils and appliances in Spanish, you can put them into practice. All this new Spanish vocabulary will be useful at home, if you live in a student apartment and must ask for something, or if you go to the supermarket and can't find a kitchen utensil.
Below, you will find several Spanish phrases that can be useful when you must ask questions in a supermarket, to your flat mate or when you talk to friends about household appliances in Spanish.
- ¿Dónde está el abrelatas? (Where is the can opener?)
- ¿Qué le pasa a la nevera? (What's wrong with the refrigerator?)
- El temporizador está en el cajón (The timer is in the drawer)
- ¿Cómo funciona la olla a presión? (How does the pressure cooker work?)
- ¿Qué hace la batidora? (What does the mixer do?)
- ¿Para qué sirve la campana extractora? (What is the range hood for?)
- ¿Por qué no usas la tostadora? (Why don't you use the toaster?)
- ¿Cuánto tiempo hay que dejar la tetera encendida? (How long should you leave the kettle on?)
- El horno funciona mejor para cocinar (The oven works best for cooking)
- ¿Dónde has guardado el embudo? (Where do you keep the funnel?)
- ¿Qué programa de la lavadora uso? (Which washing machine program do I use?)
In addition, you can complement your knowledge with more Spanish food vocabulary to help you express yourself better and with a more complete richness. Become a fluent Spanish speaker and dare to speak with native speakers on your travels, to ask all your questions and to improve every day in one of the most spoken languages in the world.
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