Are you planning to travel to Spain or a Spanish-speaking country? It is important that you know how to ask for places and directions in Spanish, so you don't get lost in the city. Even if you just want to expand your vocabulary, knowing these phrases will be ideal to expand and improve your adventure of learning Spanish in Spain.
In this article you will learn all you need to know how to ask for directions in Spanish, don't miss it!
Spanish vocabulary: directions
Although technology in the 21st century allows you to get where you want to go thanks to your cell phone and maps application, it is important to know how to ask for directions in Spanish or how to give directions if you are asked for them. Get ready for your next trip and discover how to give directions in Spanish and how to ask for directions.
Approach any person and ask them without fear, in Spanish speaking countries like Spain people are very friendly and will help you in any way they can. You can start asking with these words or phrases:
- Perdona or Disculpa (Excuse me)
- Hola (Hello)
- Buenos días (Good morning)
- Buenas tarde (Good afternoon)
- Tengo una pregunta (I have a question)
- ¿Podría hacerle una pregunta? (May I ask you a question?)
It may be a challenge for you to understand what they are saying when you are speaking to a native speaker in a language that is not your own. Also, Spanish speakers tend to speak very fast, but you can always ask them to repeat themselves or speak more slowly:
- ¿Puedes repetirlo? (Can you repeat it?)
- ¿Qué has dicho? (What did you say?)
- ¿Puedes hablar más despacio, por favor? (Can you speak slower, please?)
- ¿Puedes repetirlo más despacio, por favor? (Can you repeat it more slowly, please?)
- Perdona, no lo entendí. ¿Puedes decirlo otra vez, por favor? (I'm sorry, I didn't understand you, can you say it again, please?)
- Habla más despacio, por favor (Speak more slowly, please)
You also can't be short of Spanish vocabulary for thanking someone for helping you with an address:
- Gracias (Thanks)
- Muchas gracias (Thank you very much)
- Gracias por tu ayuda (Thank you for your help)
- Gracias, muy amable (Thank you, very kind)

Give directions in Spanish
Once you've assimilated the easiest ways to address someone when you're lost, it's time to move on to the real phrases. Thanks to these key phrases you'll be able to ask or give directions in Spanish with no problem.
- ¿Dónde está el supermercado? (Where is the supermarket?)
- ¿Dónde hay un restaurante? (Where is a restaurant?)
- Estoy buscando el museo, ¿sabe cómo lelgar? (I'm looking for the museum, do you know how to get there?)
- ¿Dónde puedo encontrar un cajero? (Where can I find an ATM?)
- ¿Podría decirme dónde está el restaurante de sushi? (Can you tell me where the sushi restaurant is?)
- ¿Cómo llego a la estación de autobuses? (How do I get to the bus station?)
- ¿Cuál es la mejor forma de ir al centro commercial? (What is the best way to go to the mall?)
- ¿Puede decirme cómo llegar al estadio de fútbol? (Can you tell me how to get to the soccer stadium?)
- ¿Hay un hospital cerca de aquí? (Is there a hospital near here?)
- ¿Está cerca? (Is it close by?)
- ¿Voy en la dirección correcta para ir al mirador? (Am I going in the right direction to go to the lookout?)
- ¿Podría señalarme dónde estamos en este mapa? (Can you point me to where we are on this map?)
- ¿Puedes señalarme dónde está el castillo en este mapa? (Can you point me to the castle on this map?)
Imagine you are lost, and you don't know which subway station to get off at to get to a museum, you can ask: Perdona, una pregunta, ¿en qué estación tengo que pararme para llegar al Museo de Arte? (Excuse me, one question, which station do I have to stop at to get to the Art Museum?).
You may also lose your ID card and must look for a police station, for which you can use this sentence: Perdona, ¿podrías decirme cómo llegar a la comisaría más cercana? (Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest police station?).

In addition to these phrases and words, you may need to indicate or understand the cardinal points when asking for directions in Spanish, or you may need some basic words to understand them. Here is a list of words you may find useful:
- Norte (North)
- Sur (South)
- Este (East)
- Oeste (West)
- Derecha (Right)
- Izquierda (Left)
- Arriba (Above)
- Abajo (Below)
- Fuera de (Outside of)
- Dentro de (Inside)
- Detrás de (Behind)
- Al otro lado (On the other side)
- Al final or Al fondo de (At the end or At the bottom of)
- Al principio (At the beginning)
- En la esquina (In the corner)
- Enfrente (Opposite)
- Delante de (In front)
- Al lado de (Next to)
- Aquí (Here)
- Ahí (There)
- Cerca (Near)
- Lejos (Far)
- Todo recto (Straight ahead)
With all these words and phrases, you will be able to ask for directions, places, or monuments during your vacation. Giving directions in Spanish will be easy and simple and your vocabulary will improve little by little. Don't hesitate any longer and start learning the language vocabulary and useful expressions with a Spanish course in Spain to improve your skills. Become a Spanish speaker in no time with Enforex!
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